Teaching Portfolios & Academic Advising (Postgraduate)

Teaching Associate (2023/24), the University of Manchester 

As a Teaching associate, my involvement in the following modules includes but is not limited to a one-hour tutorial incorporating small group discussion of key readings and helping students understand and solve questions set by the lecturer. Tutorials combine small-group tasks and whole-group interactive learning. I am also involved with marking and grading of written and verbal assessments.

SOCS 15001: Power and Value: Perspectives from Social Sciences Semester 1 
  • The course unit aims to (1) Offer a comprehensive view of the topic of power and value, (2) Introduce students to various social science disciplines and how different disciplines approach a topic, and (3) Review the advantages and limitations of different social science approaches. 
Econ20021/30021: Microeconomics 3 
  • The course exposes undergraduate students to a deeper and more rigorous understanding of the concepts encountered in Microeconomics 1 and Microeconomics 2: (i) strategic interdependence (game theory) in oligopolistic markets; (ii) preferences/demand/factor markets; (iii) market regulation, taxes and subsidies; (iv) 2-sided markets; (v) monopoly behaviour. 
ECON 20022&30022: Microeconomics 4 
  • The unit provides a rigorous treatment of fundamental microeconomic concepts, exposing the class to key economic ideas and theories motivated by and explained using real-world examples. Specifically, students are exposed to (i) General Equilibrium Theory, (ii) Decision-making under Uncertainty, (iii) the Role of Information in Economics, and (iv) Market Failures, with a particular focus on externality, public goods, and coordination failure and institutional responses; and (v) a brief introduction to Behavioural Economics. 
Macroeconomics2: ECON10262/20262 
  • The unit provides a self-contained introduction to long-run macroeconomics, including long-run economic growth, unemployment and inflation for general social scientists. It also covers the preparatory materials for more specialist courses in economics in the second and third years. 

Computing for Social Scientists: ECON10151 
  • The course equips students with essential IT skills that will be useful throughout their academic journey in the social sciences and beyond. This module is designed to familiarise students with prevalent tools and to emphasise their importance and application. I help students foster fundamental IT skills and boost confidence in navigating the realm of computing within the social sciences. 

Advanced Maths: ECON 100071! &100071B&20071 
  • This course aims to introduce mathematical techniques useful in the economic and social sciences to students with an appropriate advanced mathematical background. Intended Learning outcomes include solving simple linear equations, finding quadratic roots, and understanding the solution to non-linear equations. • Understand functions, continuity and basic differentiation. • Solve one and two-variable unconstrained and constrained optimisation problems using the Lagrangian method. • Demonstrate their understanding of linear univariate difference equations. 

Academic Advisor, MA and MSC Economics Programmes 

  • My role is to coach, mentor and to provide support for advisee’s academic development and progress throughout their time at university.